聲明 :
本道場以及所有列於師承表的正德館道場和各師範乃是直屬日本總部大阪守口市正德館, 由森田衛宗師受權在本港任教; 而且本館巳在香港成為合法社團, 名為 "森田空手道士會", 其餘與本會名稱相似之空手道道館皆與本館無關
All the listed dojos in this website are directly under Goju-ryu Seitoku-Kai headquarter in Osaka, Japan. Moreover, all the instructors are appointed by Mr Morita. The dojos are legally registered as the name "Morita Karate-Do Association". All other dojos similar to our dojo names have no relationship with us and what they do are irrelevant to us.
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